About That Cat Mommy 

Meet Carla Lytle


This page is soooo awkward right?!?!?! I must write about myself which is one of my least favorite things to do. But since you clicked here, I guess you want to know a little bit about me, so here we go. 

I was born in North Carolina and the sun started beaming when I entered the world. Just kidding. LOL.  One thing you should know about me is I love to laugh, and I try not to take life too seriously. 

If you have read this far, you now fit into one of two categories. You are someone who already loves me and knows we will be great friends or someone who is not digging me. If you are in the latter category, no worries! I am definitely not for everyone, nor do I try to be. It was fun while it lasted. LOL.  If you are in the category of my new BFF then YAY! We have to connect more, so follow me on my socials. Hugs.

More About Me.  

I have ADD so I tend to bounce from idea to idea. I was going to edit that out of this page but if we really are going to connect, you will learn that sooner rather than later so let's just get it out of the way now. I am also the world's worst speller so if I do spell a word wrong somewhere please be kind but let me know!

About My Love For Cats.

I have loved cats for as long as I can remember. When I was in school and was told to write a report about anything, I always picked cats. I think my parents probably thought that would wear off with age but no, I’m still obsessed. Fun me fact: Most cats love me too. I think they can tell I am a cool cat lady who would love to spoil them. 

Meet The Kitties

Sir Bootsy

We adopted Boots as a little kitten and his brother Feet. He has always been high-energy and ready to stalk anything. When he was younger, he was allowed to go outside to explore. However, after a move into the city, his outside time is now limited to his catio. That means we have had to find lots of ways to entertain this little ball of energy. Boots’ favorite thing to do is to show off how fast he can run and his ability to catch toys in mid-air. When he is not playing, you will find him curled up next to mommy sleeping or in her office chair. He is the unofficial CEO around here. LOL. 

Birthday: March 15th, 2008
Sex: Male Neutered
Nickname: Lil Boots

Birthday: March 15th, 2008
Sex: Male Neutered
Nickname: Baby Foot

Lord Feet

Feet. His name is Feet? YES! His name is Feet. LOL. I don't know if it is the most unique cat name ever, but I sure do get asked about it all the time. So why is his name Feet? Well, when he was a little kitten, he had huge feet. I mean abnormally large for a kitten. I knew he was going to be a big boy and I had to have him. His brother (Bootsy) already had a name, but he didn't. After thinking about it, I thought it would be cute if they had a joint name. Since he had the big feet, he became Feet and together he and his brother are Bootsy Feet. Feet is one of the sweetest cats you will ever meet. He is one big cuddle bug, and you can find him anywhere his mommy is. Diagnosed with cancer in 2018, he is living the best of his nine lives for hopefully many more years to come.  

Update: We lost Feet in 2022  to his cancer. But we 100% believe he sent use 2 little kittens to love us and to pick on his big brother. We named them True and Love in his honor.