Looking for the best way to introduce a new kitten to your cat?

Then follow these 6 easy steps that will reduce stress on you and your animals.

Also, know that even when you do everything right there is no guarantee your cats will love each other. The goal is a happy home where they can coexist together. 

Note: Never throw two cats in together to see if they like each other. Cats are territorial and this is never a good idea. 

How To Introduce A New Kitten To Your Cat – 6 Steps To Success

# 1 Prepare a separate room for your new kitten.

Cats are territorial and chances are your cat is going to see your new kitten as an invader to their kingdom. That is why it is important to keep the cats separate and make the introductions slowly. Both cats should have their own room with access to food, water, a litter box, a scratch pad, and toys. 

Note: Before proceeding to any other steps, you need the all-clear from your vet. Your new kitten needs to have a wellness exam, all its vaccinations, and have an appointment to be fixed. You don’t want any unwanted pregnant kittens. 

How To Introduce A New Kitten To Your Cat Kitten Love

#2 Scent swap.

After the first few days take an item with your cat’s scent on it and swap it with your other cat. Blankets and toys are perfect for scent swapping. This allows your cats to get used to each other’s scents. This can also happen when your cats sniff each other from under a door. 

#3 Let them see each other.

Up to this point they have been able to hear and smell each other, now it’s time for the big reveal. This can be done in a few different ways. You can hold your kitten in your lap a few feet away from your cat and allow them to look at each other. Or you can use a screen or baby gate at the door to let them see each other. It is very important that you do not let them touch each other. Be prepared for some growling and hissing as this is normal. If they don’t show signs of aggravation, then offer treats and praise. These sessions should last 3- 5 minutes and be done 3-5 times a day. 

# 4 After a few weeks or when you see no signs of aggression, they are ready to spend some time together.

This should be very short at first, increasing over time. You are playing the long game here, don’t try to rush it. Make sure when they are together you always keep your eyes on them watching both cat’s body language. You may notice some hissing and a slap or two by your older cat. Your kitten should respond by submitting to the older cat. Normally this looks like falling down and showing their belly. Make sure you are ready to step in if they start to fight!

Note: Make sure you have trimmed both cat’s nails before you let them spend time together. In case there is a big fight this will help cut down on injuries to you and the cats. 

#5 Give treats together.

To encourage bonding try giving your cats treats together. This is one positive experience your cats can have together. Make sure to pet and praise your older cat more often at this stage. You want to reassure them that they are not being replaced they are just getting a new friend. Once they have treats down you can try a mealtime together. 

How To Introduce A New Kitten To Your Cat Kitten True

#6 Play time together.

Once you have gotten them used to each other, try encouraging them to play in each other’s company. We have found using wand toys or a laser toy is perfect for this. It should be a toy that both cats are interested in watching. 

How To Introduce A New Kitten To Your Cat

Don’t be surprised if your kitties don’t accept each other immediately.

The process takes time but following these 6 steps is sure to make it much easier. 

I would love to hear from you. Do you have any tips on introducing a new kitten to a cat? Share with me your thoughts in the comments below.

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